August 31 2019 – March 1 2020
Barbara Nanning
Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Stadhouderslaan 41
2517 HV The Hague
The Netherlands
The solo exhibition in the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, on the occasion of my 40-year artist’s anniversary, presents my earlier work in ceramics, installations and glass art. At the request of the museum new works are especially made for the exhibition.
The exhibition is accompanied by the publication of the artist monograph, available in both Dutch and English editions:
- Titus Eliëns: Barbara Nanning – Eeuwige beweging. Keramiek, installaties en glas kunst. Waanders & de Kunst, Zwolle.ISBN 978 94 6262 255 5
- Titus Eliëns: Barbara Nanning – Eternal Movement. Ceramics, Installations and Glass Art. Waanders & de Kunst, Zwolle. ISBN 978 94 6262 256 2
This exhibition was realized thanks to a Grant from:
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Rotterdam
Stichting Modern Glas, Bussum
Stichting Stokroos, Utrecht